Mental Health Scenario
Mental illness are the most devastating & disabling of the diseases, affecting the mankind, giving its victims & their families a life of suffering, trauma and travail. They totally destroy the victims personally, sap his capacity to lead a normal life & social life, and drive him to a life of isolation from the family & society. Nearly one percent of the Humanity is suffering from this Malady of which 20% would be chronic. In the context of our country it means nearly one crore of people are victims of different forms of Mental illness & of whom 10 lakhs are likely to be chronic. For this formidably stupendous number the facility available for their treatment & rehabilitation is deplorably poor & does not touch even the fringe of the Problem.
Often the victim’s entire personality becomes shattered due to dysfunction of the Addiction. They drift from social mainstream, remain castigated from immediate neighborhood as well as the society at large. What they need is not Just medical intervention but a multiple therapeutic approach to bring Back even to semblance of normal functionality. They require along with psychiatric treatment a scientifically planned & organized counseling and Rehabilitation Programmed, while the illness affects the individual, the families who are the chief caregivers, suffer equally because of lack of skills to handle critical situations, inadequate knowledge of the nature of illness, dismally poor facilities to treat the illness